Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Media changes subject from US safety to plagiarism

First night at the Republican Convention was good. Theme was Keep America Safe. Excellent speeches from all with substance and position.
It took the media just a few seconds to change the subject.



The real story is that the media has successfully changed the topic from Keep America Safe and the threats we face to plagiarism.
What is more likely (Occam's Razor) -
1) that she was sabotaged by her speech writer

2) that these are universal themes or
3) that she actually got a copy of Michelle's speech and said - gee, I will copy that - no one will know.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Refute Things-that-are-Obama-s-fault-in-graphs

This is a response to this post on the Daily Kos

Here is a similar list of charts showing the exact opposite although arguably from a site that does not really care about partisan - these are Bloomberg numbers straight from a Bloomberg terminal although I have not checked that, not having one. It does all nine charts in one graphic. There are links further down to analysis and critic of this.

Summary: It is a partisan post happily swallowed by people who get their info only from partisan sites. It is one thing to present data, another to interpret data.

First off, as mentioned, this is a highly partisan chart coming as it does from the Dailykos and from reading the comments to it.
If you get your news from these sites you are being fooled.

Chart #1 S&P - Chart blends 6 sources but no source given
People should see https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/%5EGSPC
Not sure that anyone should give a president any credit or blame for a "free market economy" and the workings of this large country.

Chart #2 Labor Participation
(sourced from https://www.facebook.com/RudeAndRottenRepubs - Really? sounds fair to me)
Here is the actual chart from the BLS.
People were being paid to not work with record extensions of unemployment benefits. Republicans in congress finally defeated these continual extensions and that is why (surprise) people went back to looking for work. Our nation is truly doomed if we cannot move this number back up.

Chart#3 - Dated - Cop deaths up 44% so far (source Camila Domonska, NPR , why not a police site?)
Obama not denouncing BLM and continuing to talk about gun control is not helping. Today's statement was finally a better statement. Certainly there is an issue (see Tim Scott-R SC) but as to black homicides this is a complete red herring. Recent Harvard study found the opposite much to surprise of the black professor who ran the study. Black and Hispanic officers shoot their weapons more than 3 times more than white officers.

Chart #4 Violent Crime rate
Many in the gun industry credit Obama's anti-gun rhetoric for spiking gun sales. The increase in gun ownership has, paradocically, dropped the homicide rate. Thank you Obama - yes.

Chart #5 Popularity
Like this has anything to do with governance
From the Daily Kos comments
"This is an exercise in mis-comparing two unlike measures. It’s a common method used numeric deception.
At the end of his second term, President (GW) Bush had a 28% approval rating. That’s miserably low, and close to an ultimate floor because there will always be people who provide support due to party loyalty.
President Obama was listed in the Gallup Poll (shown) as Most Admired Man in the world by 17% of people.
So yes, Bush’s (approval) rating was 11% higher than Obama’s (most admired in the world) rating. It’s a silly and totally meaningless comparison."

Chart #6 Uninsured
Well of course but there are also people that have seen rates skyrocket. Remember if you like your plan you can keep your plan? Almost all of these new sign ups have been added to Medicaid. Very conflicting information on this. Most troubling is that Obamacare was designed to postpone rate increases to after 2016. Most exchanges have failed due to the low rates in effect (mandated) by the govt..

Chart #7 & #8 Stock Charts
Same answer as chart#1
Slowest recovery ever from a recession. Record stimulus from the Fed that has inflated stock prices. Obama slowed the recovery but did not print the money. Jobs suffered.

Chart #9 (usgovernmentrevenue.com presented by http://www.christopherchantrill.com/ He also runs this website http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/)
Any revenue chart is useless without the cooresponding expense chart. We are still deficit spending and still growing the deficit. GDP to spending is the chart you want to see and is this site http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/

Chart #10 (ela chart - could not find source)
Hello - it is fracking. Obama has actually not helped in this at all. We should be producing and exporting more if the feds would get out of the way. Bush low point was due to recession and lack of demand. Obama low point is due to huge supply and mediocre demand.

Now here are some other charts, all pulled from bloomberg terminal and not cherry picked from mostly liberal websites. WaPo tried to fact check them and gets skewered.

Original Post link

Best thing to keep in mind
"There are lies, lies and damn statistics.